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***Loans Just Got Easier***

As college and high school students get ready to go back to school, it’s time for parents to help them prepare for the very important lesson of money management. Whether it’s a first job or the first time being away from home and living on their own, students need to know and understand their options for managing expenses, paying bills, and saving money.

There’s no better way to learn money management than through hands-on experience with the FNBC Student Checking Account.

The FNBC Student Checking Account includes:

It’s so easy!

Students can bank close to home, get the customer support they need, and sign up for all the digital banking options that give them access to their accounts anytime and anywhere they need it. 

The account benefits don't stop at graduation.

This is an account for a lifetime. Your student will continue to enjoy these account benefits beyond school, helping them manage their money as they launch their careers, buy their first homes, and plan for the future.

Help your student get started on a good financial footing with the FNBC Student Checking Account!

1Overdraft/returned item fees may apply

2Third party data and Internet charges may apply